We assist Clients in designing impact portfolios and funds, and identifying impact investment opportunities. We screen and verify, and provide SIL Certification™ for positive impacts and alignment with ESG/SDGs.
For Family Offices, foundations, and academic institutions we offer design of impact strategies, programs and policies, and thought leadership.
Design of Impact Portfolios & Funds
We support Clients in designing impact portfolios and funds. We identify and analyse impact investment opportunities that complement their portfolios.
We also screen existent portfolios and funds, and provide Investors with verification in the area of impact/SDGs- and ESG-alignment.
In addition, we offer a Second-Party Opinion on Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds.
Impact Assessment & Reporting
We provide high quality impact assessment, impact reporting and monitoring of funds, programs, and policies for:
- Family Offices
- Individual & Institutional Investors
- Foundations
- New Ventures/Start-Ups
- Academic Institutions
SIL Certification™ – Impact & ESG Certified
We offer SIL Certification™, validating a positive impact or/and alignment with ESG criteria for portfolios, funds, and business strategies.
Impact certification covers:
- Design of Impact Portfolio/Fund (optional)
- Impact Assessment
- Monitoring & Reporting
ESG certification covers:
- Design of ESG-aligned Portfolio/Fund (optional)
- ESG Audit
- Monitoring & Reporting
Thought Leadership
We provide expertise in the field of:
- SDGs operationalisation into programs and policies
- ESG data methodology and assessment tools design
- opinion & thematic survey design (e.g. for investors, assets managers)
We write white papers on trends and regulations in the field of sustainability, sustainable finance and impact investing. Examples include:
“Impact Investing: Towards a Credible Sustainable Investment Strategy.”→
“ESG Science-Based Analysis: A Universal Approach for Finance, Business and Policy-Makers.” →
Check our trainings on Sustainable Finance, Impact Strategy and Assessment, Start-up Growth & Expansion, Sustainability Leadership, SDGs Integration into Core, and ESG Analysis & Integration.
For more information, please click the button Trainings.